As airlines consider their fleets ability to meet their customer’s needs, the size & type of craft and they purchase and large players merge and posture themselves toward sustained profitability, here at Indy Honeycomb we are available now more than ever to offer a wide variety of high temperature honeycomb for the big players and the smaller ones.
Check out these forecasts…
Poised and Ready For Growth
Whether you are a prime, first tier, FAA/JAA shop or braze house we are enthusiastic about participation in your honeycomb needs. Give us a call and see how easy it is to buy Honeycomb from us. We are postured to help you grow and maybe grow with you. At Indy Honeycomb we try to operate with an eye toward anticipation of the customer’s needs. Being and remaining proactive is not always easy nor do we always hit the center of the target but the posture has become natural for this small business.
Indy Honeycomb has been investing in…
- R & D – NADCAP compliance, registration and certification for SEG!
- Technology – additional newer equipment!
- Increased Floor Space – We’ve nearly doubled!
- Increased Capacity – operating at just over 50%!
Contact us (859-359-4052) today to get started on your next honeycomb project!