Panel Construction
Indy Honeycomb has developed robust process to manufacture EMI/RF shielding honeycomb panels that widely used in ventilation systems of HEMP hardened facilities. Panel consist of a welded steel honeycomb core assembled together with frame. During brazing process panel is heat treated in vacuum furnace at approximately 1800° F and molten nickel based alloy is introduced in to all joints and cell nodes. This ensures structural and performance integrity of the panel and because brazing performed at such high temperature panels are less likely to be damaged during welding in to installation. Indy Honeycomb recommends plating or painting to further enhance performance and prevent corrosion.

Honeycomb Core Configuration
▣ Materials: Stainless Steel, Mild Steel
▣ Cell size (W) – up to 5/8”
▣ Wall thickness (T) – up to 0.010”
▣ Cell Depth – up to 3.25”
▣ Length and Width – up to 42”x42”
Frame Configuration
▣ Materials: Stainless Steel, Mild Steel
▣ Thickness – 0.125” and up
▣ Length and Width – up to 42”x42”
▣ Can be welded together in to large assemblies
▣ Flexible configuration, tailored for specific project
▣ Sample panel was tested in accordance with MIL-STD-125-188
▣ Average attenuation 130dB, worst case SE point 97dB
▣ Honeycomb and Frame Material – Stainless Steel 304
▣ Cell Size – 3/8” HEX
▣ Cell Depth – 2”
▣ Frame – 0.125” thick, L-Shaped
▣ Length x Width – 24”x24”
▣ Honeycomb/Frame assembly method – Welding+Brazing
Indy Honeycomb’s mission “to make metallic honeycomb easy to buy” - is, and always has been, at the forefront of our philosophy. In 1996, after noticing a real need for a service-minded supplier of honeycomb products, Steve Barnett of Barnett Industries, Inc., founded the company......